The MegaMan Powered Up : Master Level List was a place where users could search through hundreds of user-created stages for the PSP game "Mega Man Powered Up!" for review, download, and information. Users could even sign-up and submit their own stages to be downloaded and reviewed by other fans on the site.
The website was first put online in April of 2006 and went through three major versions before being closed to new submissions in July 2009. During that time, users submit a total of 1,182 different stages and those stages recieved 1,110 unique reviews. Today, in May 2020, the website is finally being taken down for good and all pages are being unpublished.
Thank you to every single user who contributed to the project, who joined the forums to chat, and even those who just visited to see how things were going. The Master Level List was my first real dive into web devopment and the very first community that I ever built. For that I will always remember this place fondly and hold it in a special place in my heart.
Thank you,
- Adrian